Acorn & Oak Studio Logo

Taking the First Steps in a New Family Venture

Well, it's official. This family adventure we've been contemplating and working on is now a properly registered LLC in Louisiana. A journey we go. 

I'm building Acorn & Oak Studio with my two amazing kids, Saoirse and Eamon, who are aged nine and twelve. 

We're diving headfirst into this new venture. We will use our weekends to create beautiful things, spend quality time together, learn new skills, and make a difference in causes close to our hearts.

What's Acorn & Oak Studio All About?

Acorn & Oak Studio is our little haven of creativity and quality time. It's where we let our imaginations run wild, fully embrace the beginner mindset, and get our hands gloriously messy. We're all about crafting memories, both literally and figuratively. We'll make handmade furniture, pottery, outdoor and indoor home decor, jewelry, and even craft items using a 3d laser printer. Anything that inspires us is on the menu, and we'll put our heart and soul into every piece we create.

Why Are We Doing This?

Now, why on earth would a parent willingly subject themselves to the chaos of running a side business with their kids? Trust me, it's not just about the glitter and glue mishaps (although those are pretty entertaining). And it's not about the money. We're doing this because we want to spend time together and believe in the power of shared experiences and the joy of learning.

Plus, we wanted to find a way to give back to causes important to us. My kids have big hearts. Acorn & Oak Studio combines our love for creating with our desire to positively impact the world. When we sell items, 20% of all profits will go to a charity of their choice. Another 10-20% will be theirs to spend on childhood things, and the balance goes into an investment savings account they can access when they become adults. They may use it to travel, study abroad, start a business, or do anything that helps them build a meaningful life and community.

Join Us on This Adventure!

We're beyond excited to embark on this journey and invite you to follow along. This blog will share our learnings, successes, and failures, discuss our supporting causes, reveal the creative process, and announce new products listed for sale. 

We're just getting started. Stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, and plenty of quirky anecdotes. Together, we'll craft memories that get passed down through generations, make a difference, and have a lot of fun along the way. 

Signup for our newsletter to keep up to date, and to keep in touch.

Welcome to Acorn & Oak Studio!
Brent, Eamon, and Saoirse (and also our boxer Mojo, apparently) 

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